AI Audio Generation from Text

Plus Alibaba releases new models to compete with Meta

The AI Breakdown First Five - Thursday August 3, 2023

Today on the First Five:

  • 5. Alibaba Releases New Models To Compete w/ Llama 2

  • 4. An Nvidia AI Chip Challenger Lands $100M

  • 3. Goldman Says $200B to Be Invested in AI

  • 2. Google Search Generative Experience Gets Updates

  • 1. Meta’s Text-to-Audio Generator is Live

5. Alibaba Releases New Models To Compete w/ Llama 2

Recently, Alibaba Cloud surprised many when it announced it would support Meta’s Llama 2 model for customers. This week, it announced it’s own “open source” models Qwen-7b and Qwen-7b-Chat which have some commercial restrictions similar to Llama 2.

4. An Nvidia AI Chip Challenger Lands $100M

Another day, another contender trying to disrupt Nvidia’s lead in the AI chip space (or at least represent some amount of market competition). Tenstorrent is a Canadian startup that has added a fresh $100m from Hyundai, Samsung and others to its war chest.

3. Goldman Says $200B to Be Invested in AI

By 2025, Goldman Sachs thinks that AI investment could represent up to 4% of US GDP. GS says this would make it bigger than electricity or personal computing in terms of economic impact. Hyperbole or representative of the true opportunity?

2. Google Search Generative Experience Gets Updates

If you were wondering about the future of Google Search, it’s clearly what they currently call their Search Generative Experience (which is right up there with some of OpenAI’s finer duds in the pantheon of bad product names). Announced this week, SGE will now increasingly return visual results — particularly video - to user queries.

1. Meta’s Text-to-Audio Generator is Live

Our suspicion is that, culturally-speaking, music and sound are going to be one of the key AI battlegrounds. Meta has released AudioCraft which combines three different audio generation models. This week they released the pretrained models as well as the weights and code.

BONUS: Four Charts Showing Why AI Isn’t Slowing Down

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