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  • An AI Startup Asked Investors to Pitch Them and Raised a Series A at $350M Valuation

An AI Startup Asked Investors to Pitch Them and Raised a Series A at $350M Valuation

Plus Anthropic releases a new 100k token model

Welcome to The AI Breakdown, the most interesting & important news and conversations in AI.

First, the News:

  • Meta introduces the “AI Sandbox” to help advertisers leverage AI - ah, the most inspiring use case

  • Looks like Wall Street liked Google I/O

  • Lawmakers in the EU have agreed to “tougher” draft rules on AI — whatever that means

  • With competition heating up, both Google and OpenAI plan to scale back public research releases

  • People have been salivating at ChatGPT’s forthcoming increase to 32K tokens and Anthropic goes and drops a 100k Claude. That’s approximately “One Great Gatsby” for those keeping track at home.

The Most Interesting $350M-But-Could-Have-Been-$1B-Valuation-Series A

To say AI startups are in demand among venture capitalists is an understatement. Take the story of Rewind. It started with this tweet from April 14:

If you’ve ever raised capital, you’ll know how unusual this is. The question was would it work?

Well, according to The Information, Rewind received more than 1,000 offers and ultimately closed a Series A round at a $350M valuation. Series A!!! What’s more, apparently some investors (22 in fact) were offering a BILLION dollar valuation.

Staying in the spirit of transparency, Dan himself added more context.

The company also grew daily active users 150% over the same period, thanks to the buzz around the unorthodox funding campaign.

A Helpful Resource

People are fascinated by AutoGPT, but the non-technical UI’s like Godmore and AgentGPT are still nascent. Here’s a tutorial on setting up AutoGPT for real on a Mac.

Today on The AI Breakdown

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Signing off from the future’s past - NLW