Apple Spends Billions on AI R&D

Plus Hasbro Clarifies D&D AI Art Rules

The AI Breakdown First Five - Monday August 7, 2023

Today on the First Five:

  • 5. Study Warns Deep Fakes Are Getting Better

  • 4. Stanford Bootcamp Teaches Congress About AI

  • 3. Morgan Stanley Warns AI Stock Bubble Peaking

  • 2. D&D Blowup Around AI Art

  • 1. Apple Defends AI Strategy

5. Study Warns Deep Fakes Are Getting Better

A University College London study played more than 500 research participants deep fake audio samples and found that 27% of the time, humans couldn’t detect that they were listening to AI. While that might not sound bad, researchers warn that 1) deep fake audio is continuing to get better and 2) that still means one in four scam calls could be successful.

4. Stanford Bootcamp Teaches Congress About AI

Starting today, a group of Congressional staffers from both the Democrat and Republican sides of the aisle will descend upon Stanford for a 3-day bootcamp on AI held by the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered AI. Couldn’t be more timely, given how much AI legislation is on the docket.

3. Morgan Stanley Warns AI Stock Bubble Peaking

AI has undoubtedly been the driving theme in US public markets this year, but a new Morgan Stanley note warns that if Nvidia is the proxy, the rally may be nearing its peak. Nvidia’s stock is up more than 200% this year — exceeding the 154% exhibit by historic bubbles.

2. D&D Blowup Around AI Art

Dungeons & Dragons had already stirred some AI controversy when they announced that they would be using AI to create new experiences for D&D players. Now, after internet sleuths noticed some wonky limbs in new D&D art, the company has had to clarify their policy that artists they hire are not allowed to use artificial intelligence.

1. Apple Defends AI Strategy

Of the tech giants, the most noticeably quiet on AI has been Apple. On last week’s earnings call, however, CEO Tim Cook sought to clarify their position. Pointing to a massive multi-billion dollar increase in r&d spend, Cook pointed to generative AI. What’s more, he said that it will likely be built into every Apple product.

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