Canva Brings AI Magic to Design Process

Plus Google Assistant gets a Bard upgrade

The AI Breakdown First Five - Thursday October 5, 2023

Today on the First Five:

  • 5. SoftBank’s Masa Warns Japan to Get On Board With AI

  • 4. Perplexity Updates Open Source API

  • 3. The AI Safety Debate Rages on X

  • 2. Google Assistant Gets an AI Upgrade

  • 1. Canva Brings AI Magic to Designers

5. Softbank’s Masa Warns Japan to Get On Board With AI

Ever since the success of the ARM IPO, Masayoshi Son and SoftBank have bene getting louder about their interest in the AI space. Son is in convos with Sam Altman and Jony Ive about AI hardware, and at an event this week implored his home country of Japan to adopt AI or risk getting left behind. He also predicts AGI within 10 years.

4. Perplexity Updates Open Source API

With new open source models appearing seemingly all the time (Mistral 7B anyone?) Perplexity has announced pplx-api, which they are calling a “one-stop shop for open-source LLMs.”

3. The AI Safety Debate Rages on X

Speaking of open source AI, the topic continues to be at the core of many of the digital debates around AI safety. Meta’s Yann LeCun - a notable standout from many of his peers in terms of his lack of concern around extinction risk - has recently waded back into the fray.

2. Google Assistant Gets an AI Upgrade

One of the most obvious and still most welcome trends among the big tech players is the integration of generative AI into their existing assistant-type experiences. Yesterday Google announced that its popular Assistant experience is getting a Bard upgrade.

1. Canva Brings AI Magic to Designers

Some AI product announcements are hot fire because they expand our sense of what’s possible. Others are hot fire because we can instantly see how they’re going to make our lives easier. Canva’s Magic Studio update falls firmly into that second category.

BONUS: LLMs have a sense of time?!

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