Is ChatGPT Lazy Because of Christmas?

Plus Midjourney Alpha arrives!

The AI Breakdown First Five - Wednesday December 13, 2023

Today on the First Five:

  • 5. Snapchat Enables AI-Generated Snaps

  • 4. Microsoft’s Impressive Phi-2 Model

  • 3. The Insane Viral AI News Report

  • 2. Midjourney Alpha

  • 1. Is ChatGPT Lazy Because of Christmas?

5. Snapchat Enables AI-Generated Snaps

Snapchat keeps pushing out new AI features. The latest include the ability to zoom out of a photo with AI filling in the background; as well as a new tool that auto creates snaps based on prompts. The kids will AI whether they want to or NOT!

4. Microsoft’s Impressive Phi-2 Model

Even as some players work on ever bigger models, the race to shrink models to fit on devices heats up as well. Microsoft Research has just released a non-commercial version of Phi-2, a 2.7B parameter model that, although designed to run on a laptop or phone, can outperform some larger models including Llama 2 and Mistral 7B.

3. The Insane Viral AI News Report

Did we just cross the latest chasm of the uncanny valley? This clip of a new AI-powered news network went incredibly viral for its hyper-realistic AI anchors. Trust nothing you see anymore.

2. Midjourney Alpha

For people who have created more than 10,000 images, Midjourney’s web experience is finally available. Early reports are that it’s MUCH better than generating inside Discord.

1. Is ChatGPT Lazy Because of Christmas?

Here’s something fascinating and unexpected. It appears that ChatGPT may be acting more “lazy” right now because it understands that it is a quieter holiday season. Something similar might be happening on weekends (off work times) as well. Wild.

Bonus: Upscaling to Rock Nostalgia

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