ChatGPT New Feature Leak?

Plus Google SGE and Bing both get updates

The AI Breakdown First Five - Monday June 12, 2023

Today on the First Five:

  • 5. A ChatGPT Future Feature Leak?

  • 4. Andrew Ng’s Conversations with Bengio and Hinton

  • 3. UK Wants to Lead AI Regulation as US Introduces Two AI Bills

  • 2. Microsoft Bing Chatbot Updates

  • 1. Google Search Generative Experience Expands Access

5. ChatGPT Getting More Ready for Work?

A leaker who had previously shared screenshots of what would become ChatGPT’s recently announced chat sharing feature is back with another leak. This time it’s for something called “workspaces” that also suggests file uploads are coming. Tread carefully, however, as sourcing here is quite limited (to nonexistent).

4. Talking AI Risk with a Doomer Skeptic

AI entrepreneur and Coursera co-founder Andrew Ng has been publicly skeptical of AI doomerism. He recently asked for an honest, open conversation about what the risks are, and has subsequently talked with two of the three 2018 Turing Award winners Yoshua Bengio and Geoffrey Hinton. That hasn’t stopped the third Turing Award winner from that year for remaining incensed at the whole discourse:

3. Which “United” Country Will Lead AI Regs?

British PM Rishi Sunak recently told London Tech Week that he wanted the UK to be “not just the intellectual home, but the geographic home of AI safety regulation.” Meanwhile in the US, bipartisan groups of senators last week introduced two separate AI bills — interestingly both biting off discreet issues (such as disclosure when the US gov’t is using AI) rather than going for something comprehensive.

2. Desktop Voice Control for Microsoft Bing Chatbot

The feature cascade continues as Microsoft recently announced a number of updates for its Bing chatbot, including notably voice control via desktop. Microsoft also published a set of “AI customer commitments” that they say are designed to help their customers implement AI responsibly.

1. Google Search Generative Experience Rolls Out Further

Google’s I/O event showed off their new Search Generative Experience or SGE. Two weeks ago they started a waitlist and they now appear to be expanding access, promoting the new features on YouTube and Twitter. They also say that the generative search experience is now twice as fast.

Something Cool

You likely saw this last week, but if not, a Reddit user on the (currently dark) StableDiffusion subreddit posted these working artistic QR codes generated with AI. BTW, the subreddit is dark as part of a protest against changed API fees that were driven in large part by — you guessed it — AI companies.

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