Why ChatGPT Traffic Went Down Last Month

Plus AI is translating ancient cuneiform tablets

The AI Breakdown First Five - Wednesday July 5, 2023

Today on the First Five:

  • 5. The Complete Neural Map of a Fruit Fly

  • 4. The First US Law Against AI Bias

  • 3. CNET Reorganizing Around AI Content

  • 2. AI Translates Ancient Languages

  • 1. ChatGPT Searches Went Down Last Month

/imagine prompt: a robot translating an ancient cuneiform tablet

5. The Complete Neural Map of a Fruit Fly

The rise of AI has reminded us of how little we understand about how the brain works. One project making progress in neuroscience is the fly connectome. The project has just released a whole-brain connectome with a huge volume of neural information for other researchers to dig into.

4. The First US Law Against AI Bias

While debates rage around AI’s extinction risk, many people are more concerned about issues that are already present today. A New York City law goes into place today requiring employers to disclose if they use AI in hiring, as well as undergoing annual audits to review for potential bias.

3. CNET Reorganizing Around AI Content

CNET and its parent company Red Ventures have become a bit of a ground-zero for AI content in the media. A few weeks ago, CNET worked began trying to unionize against the threat of automation. Now, Red Ventures CEO has laid out plans for the company to go all in on AI content in an all-hands meeting. This despite the company publishing an error-riddled AI-written piece earlier this year.

2. AI Translates Ancient Languages

This has to be one of the coolest uses of AI we’ve seen recently. A group of archaeologists and computer scientists recently teamed up to create an AI that can near-instantly translate Akkadian — the ancient Sumerian language found on cuneiform tablets.

1. ChatGPT Searches Went Down Last Month

According to data from Similarweb, ChatGPT traffic fell in June to levels below both April and May. Some pointed to seasonality as part of the reason — i.e. students not using it to help with homework. But is it also possible that the fastest growing technology in history is just leveling out slightly as it reaches critical mass and societal saturation?

Bonus: Midjourney Releases Panning Feature

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