DALL-E 3 Coming To ChatGTP!

Plus a new LLM-powered Amazon Alexa

The AI Breakdown First Five - Thursday September 21, 2023

Today on the First Five:

  • 5. Dalio Says AI Disruption Is Coming and Coming Fast

  • 4. GitHub Copilot Chat Available for Individuals

  • 3. Open Source AI Debate Comes to Senate Floor

  • 2. Amazon Alexa is Now Generative AI Enabled

  • 1. OpenAI Brings DALL-E 3 to ChatGPT

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5. Dalio Says AI Disruption Is Coming and Coming Fast

Ray Dalio may not be who you think of when you think “AI predictions” but he’s an extremely respected voice (especially among boomers) and he says that massive AI disruptions are going to happen in the next five years.

4. GitHub Copilot Chat Available for Individuals

The new releases continue fast and furious, with Microsoft rolling out access for individuals to the GitHub Copilot Chat feature it launched for business users in June. The feature will cost $10/month or $100/year and is exemplary of the white-hot ‘AI for coding assistance’ space.

3. Open Source AI Debate Comes to Senate Floor

As battle lines around AI policy start to solidify, one of the most contentious areas seems likely to be approaches to open source. Meta’s Yann LeCunn testified yesterday as part of a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing with a full-throated defense of the importance of open source.

2. Amazon Alexa is Now Generative AI Enabled

Smart home assistants are getting an upgrade. At their hardware event on Wednesday, Amazon debuted a totally revamped Alexa powered by a custom-purpose Alexa LLM that they say will transform the utility of their devices and make it more conversational. The new Alexa will be rolled out slowly in an attempt to avoid major problems with hallucinations.

1. OpenAI Brings DALL-E 3 to ChatGPT

Sometimes this list has a number one with a bullet and this was one of those days. OpenAI announced yesterday that DALL-E 3 was coming through a native integration with ChatGPT. People are as excited about this product launch as anything we’ve seen since GPT-4.

BONUS: This art is transforming people’s perceptions of AI art

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