A Data Poisoning Tool for Artists to Fight AI

Plus Andreessen heads to next closed door forum in DC

The AI Breakdown First Five - Tuesday October 24, 2023

Today on the First Five:

  • 5. Apple to Spend $4.75B on AI Servers Next Year?

  • 4. WSJ Interviews Sam Altman

  • 3. Microsoft to Invest $3.2B Boosting AI in Australia

  • 2. White House Announces AI Tech Hubs as Andreessen Heads to DC

  • 1. A Data Poisoning Tool to Fight AI

5. Apple to Spend $4.75B on AI Servers Next Year?

The Apple AI conversation just continues to get louder. We recently heard from Bloomberg that they were going to spend at least a billion dollars trying to catch up. Now analysts are suggesting that the Cupertino giant might be on track to spend nearly $5B on AI servers in 2024.

4. WSJ Interviews Sam Altman

As societal awareness of AI (both opportunities and risks) comes into view as a major political issue, the leaders of the major AI labs are increasingly in the public eye. In this WSJ interview, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and CTO Mira Murati argue that to figure out how to make AI safe, it has to be deployed.

3. Microsoft to Invest $3.2B Boosting AI in Australia

Microsoft is making its biggest investment into Australia in forty years. At the heard of that is a nearly 50% growth in the number of data centers in the country that Microsoft maintains. They’ll also be working on a training institute as well as partnering on a cybersecurity initiative.

2. White House Announces AI Tech Hubs as Andreessen Heads to DC

The Beltway battles around AI are heating up. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is hosting his next closed door forum on AI to educate himself and colleagues about the space. This one will feature the full range of opinions, from the techno-optimist himself Marc Andreessen as well as the Future of Life Institute’s Max Tegmark. Should be fireworks! The White House also announced 31 AI tech hubs.

1. A Data Poisoning Tool to Fight AI

Policy schmolicy. Artists who are upset about AI models being trained on their data without permission may have a new tool to fight back. Nightshade lets artists add invisible pixels to their art that are designed to specifically “poison” AI training models by tricking AI into thinking things that look one way are actually something else - a cow becomes a dog, for example. Welcome to the future!

BONUS: Growing Brains on Wires

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