The Future of the AI First Five?

Help us figure out what would make this most valuable for you

Hello AI Friends

As I’m sure you’ve noticed, The AI Daily Brief First Five has been a bit more sporadic the past few weeks. I’m hoping to get some feedback on the newsletter to better figure out how to make it most useful for everyone. Couple of questions below:

What’s the most important feature of the First Five for you?

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Do you subscribe to other daily AI newsletters?

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If we were to update our content approach, what would you be most interested in?

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

Thanks for your input! Let’s figure out how to make this as valuable as possible for you! Please feel free to email me with any additional suggestions at [email protected] 


Superintelligent Summer Challenge

Summer is here and it’s a great time to supercharge your AI skills! For the next two months, we’ll be running a Super Summer Challenge. When you sign up for Superintelligent, each week we’ll feature a new challenge that will give you a chance to get hands on with awesome AI tools. You’ll be able to share what you’ve created and get inspired by others. We’ll also host discussion around the challenges for a really fun experience.