Google DeepMind Discovers Millions of New Materials

Plus US forcing Saudi to divest in an American AI company

The AI Breakdown First Five - Friday December 1, 2023

Today on the First Five:

  • 5. Amazon Titan Image Generation Model

  • 4. China Open Source Qwen Beats GPT-4 On Some Tasks

  • 3. US Forcing Saudi AI Divestment

  • 2. Microsoft’s $3.2B UK AI Investment

  • 1. Google DeepMind Revolutionizes Materials Science

5. Amazon Titan Image Generation Model

No surprise “Olympus” model to close out re:Invent, but Amazon did join the image generation space with a new Titan image generation model. Squarely aimed at the enterprise, it will only be available within Bedrock, and will come with invisible watermarking on all images.

4. China Open Source Qwen Beats GPT-4 On Some Tasks

How many hot button topics can there be in a single bullet? China? GPT-4 dominance? Open source. Lots of people over on X are taking notice of some new performance metrics from Qwen.

3. US Forcing Saudi AI Divestment

And speaking of the geopolitics of AI, Saudi Aramco’s venture arm was one of the investors in Rain, an AI chip startup backed by Sam Altman. According to Bloomberg, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States has forced them to unwind the deal and sell their stake, representing growing US concerns around the relationship between the Saudis and China.

2. Microsoft’s $3.2B UK AI Investment

As big tech expands its data center footprint, countries are fighting to score a piece of the action. Per an announcement at an event earlier this week, MSFT will be bringing 20,000 GPU’s and $3.2B of investment to the UK.

1. Google DeepMind Revolutionizes Materials Science

How does 800 years of research compressed into one paper and data set sound? Google DeepMind just released a paper on their material design “GNoME” that discovered 380,000 new materials that could be used for things like more efficient superconductors to better batteries and beyond.

Bonus: Screenshot-to-code

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