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  • Meta Chief AI Scientist Says AI Won't Destroy Jobs as IBM Nixes 7,800 Jobs Due To AI

Meta Chief AI Scientist Says AI Won't Destroy Jobs as IBM Nixes 7,800 Jobs Due To AI

Plus mind-reading AI out of the University of Texas

Welcome to The AI Breakdown, the most interesting/important news and conversations in AI.

First, the News:

  • Everyone is talking about the UTA study that used GPT-like AI on a brain-trained LLM to read minds, including us

  • IBM says 7,800 planned hires can be replaced by AI

  • Samsung bans generative AI use by employees

  • A new, more “empathetic AI?” 

Then, the Most Interesting Debate

Let’s start with a very declarative tweet:

Now, the savvy reader might have noticed that just above this, in that “news” section, we talked about IBM eliminate hiring for 7,800 jobs based on AI. Just last week, Dropbox laid off 500 people as part of its AI pivot. And then there is the Writers Guild of America. They certainly seem to be taking the potential impact of AI on their industry seriously.

The point is that, for as silly as “sky is falling” rhetoric can be, a glib denial that AI is going to impact work in tremendous ways — or an over-reliance on previous technologies to predict how fast it’s going to happen, are probably equally not useful.

After That, the Most Interesting Tweets

Geoffrey Hinton decided to clear some things up about why he left Google.

A great thread for finding the latest and greatest in AI.

Curating the top AI tracks

Almost Done, a Helpful Resource

This may be a Tweet designed for engagement (no hate, the man is good at them!), but the courses listed are actually great starting points for AI journeys

And Finally, What The AI Breakdown Podcast/YouTube Covered Today

Thanks for reading! If you want more AI Breakdown:

The AI Breakdown podcast - https://pod.link/1680633614

The AI Breakdown YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@theaibreakdown

Signing off from the future’s past - NLW