Meta is Racing to Create an Open GPT-4 Competitor

Plus Americans think AI will harm the elections

The AI Breakdown First Five - Monday September 11, 2023

Today on the First Five:

  • 5. AI to Combat School Shootings

  • 4. ChatGPT More Creative Than MBA Students

  • 3. Epic Games Accepts AI Generated Game Content

  • 2. Poll: Americans Think AI Will Harm Elections

  • 1. Meta is Gunning for GPT-4

5. AI to Combat School Shootings

Given how frequently headlines focus on the negative potentials of AI, we take extra notice when its positive world-changing attributes are cited. A recent NBC report covers a new technology that can detect firearms and alert authorities before shooting starts.

4. ChatGPT More Creative Than MBA Students

One of the last bastions of humanity is creativity, right? That AI can’t come up with novel ideas? Well, in a recent head-to-head ChatGPT spanked a group of Wharton students when it came to coming up with innovative new products. A sign that AI is creative; or that MBA students are not?

3. Epic Games Accepts AI Generated Game Content

Gaming is another AI copyright battleground, with Valve rejecting games with AI content on Steam. Epic’s Tim Sweeney is out here in the comments though telling people to bring their titles to the Epic Games Store.

2. Poll: Americans Think AI Will Harm Elections

In a new poll from Axios and Morning Consult, half of Americans believe that AI misinformation will impact the presidential elections, and 1/3 say they will be less trusting because of artificial intelligence.

1. Meta is Gunning for GPT-4

Rumors have been swirling that Meta was racing to Llama 3 and Llama 4, but so far it had just been event hearsay posted on Twitter/X. Now a WSJ confirms that Zuck’s machine has GPT-4 squarely in their sights, and intends to release an open source(ish) version when it’s ready.

BONUS: An alternative AI 100

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