Microsoft’s Plan to Train 2,000,000 People on AI

Plus US Agencies Are Hiring AI Experts

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The AI Breakdown First Five - Wednesday February 7, 2024

Today on the First Five:

  • 5. US Agencies Are Hiring AI Experts

  • 4. ChatGPT’s System Prompt is 1700 Tokens?

  • 3. Which Regions Lead AI Funding

  • 2. A New Best Open Source Model?

  • 1. Microsoft’s Plan to Train 2,000,000 People on AI

5. US Agencies Are Hiring AI Experts

The Department of Homeland Security wants to hire 50 AI experts this year to focus on issues ranging from stopping child abuse to countering fentanyl production. Said Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas

“Government needs the support and expertise of our country’s foremost AI experts to help ensure our continued ability to harness this technology responsibly, safeguard against its malicious use, and advance our critical homeland security mission.”

4. ChatGPT’s System Prompt is 1700 Tokens?

SemiAnalysis’ Dylan Patel is getting lots of attention for his tweet suggesting that ChatGPT’s system prompt is 1700 tokens long, as well as his argument that this may be behind the perceived performance degradation over the past 6 months.

3. Which Regions Lead AI Funding

When it comes to AI related funding in the last 5 years, Silicon Valley is first (no shocker there), followed by New York, followed by Boston. However, a new report contents that Boston is poised to become even more of a hub, particularly for advanced areas of AI where it’s university population could be a boon.

2. A New Best Open Source Model?

Competition in the open source LLM space is heating up and models are getting closer and closer to GPT-4 level performance. A new model called Smaug-72B (which is a fine tuning of Qwen-72B) has jumped to the top of the Hugging Face leaderboards.

1. Microsoft’s Plan to Train 2,000,000 People on AI

In a speech at the Taj Mahal Hotel in Mumbai, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said that AI was diffusing more quickly than any technology in the 70-year computer age, and that Microsoft was committed to helping train 2 million people in India with AI skills.

Bonus: Can you automate 100 people’s jobs as a content creator?

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