What the Open Source AI Insurgency Means for Google and OpenAI

And should it change how we think about AI policy?

Welcome to The AI Breakdown, the most interesting & important news and conversations in AI.

First, the News:

  • AMD stock ⬆️ on reports that they’re working on Microsoft’s AI chip project “Athena”

  • Slack is the latest co to go AI with…yup, SlackGPT 

  • NYT latest AI scare: “Killer Robots Become the Military’s Tools”

  • White House not inviting Zuck to AI meeting looks like an intentional snub

The Most Interesting Discussion

By now I’m sure you’ve read about the leaked note from a Google researcher about how Google (and OpenAI) had “no moat” and were getting skunked by an open source insurgency.

If you haven’t read it yet, go do that now. Or just read my summary thread 👇

There were a lot of great discussions (including some disagreements) on Twitter following the leak. Many made the point that developers are the big moat for OpenAI.

Others pointed out that, while Google might not have the current AI dev moat, they certainly have moat-like assets….

Then of course there is the safety discussion…

One question I have is, if this huge rise in open source AI development is as important a force in the development in the space as it seems, how is that perspective to be represented in important policy discussions like the one that happened at the White House yesterday? 🤔 Interesting times, no doubt.

The Next Ridiculous SciFi thing:

And Finally, What The AI Breakdown Podcast/YouTube Covered Today

Thanks for reading and have a great weekend! If you want more AI Breakdown:

The AI Breakdown podcast - https://pod.link/1680633614

The AI Breakdown YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@theaibreakdown

Signing off from the future’s past - NLW