OpenAI Board Asked Anthropic for Merger

Plus Meta Responsible AI Team Disbanded

The AI Breakdown First Five - Tuesday November 21, 2023

Today on the First Five:

  • 5. AI and Military Leaders Gather for Secret Meeting in the Mountains

  • 4. Germany, France, Italy Come to Agreement on AI Rules

  • 3. Amazon Launches Free AI Classes for Students

  • 2. Meta Responsible AI Team Disbanded

  • 1. OpenAI Board Approached Anthropic About A Merger

5. AI and Military Leaders Gather for Secret Meeting in the Mountains

Even as Biden and Xi met in San Francisco to de-escalate tensions, a secretive, invitation-only event called the AI Security Summit was happening in the mountains in Utah. Hosted by Scale AI, the event connected military leaders with AI execs to discuss key security challenges, including China having access to advanced AI.

4. Germany, France, Italy Come to Agreement on AI Rules

Subsequent to the approval of the AI Act, the EU and its member countries have been deep in the tank trying to figure out how to actually implement rules, and what to do about foundation models. A new joint paper from Italy, France and Germany articulates the principle that the application of AI should be what’s regulated, not the underlying technology itself.

3. Amazon Launches Free AI Classes for Students

Amazon wants to help people transition to an AI world. The company announced a new educational initiative and 8 free courses on AI, including 5 for developers and 3 for business leaders. Then again, if you want an actual dynamic learning community, check out the AI Breakdown Edu/Learning Community beta. SEE BELOW

2. Meta Responsible AI Team Disbanded

As everyone was distracted with the Shakespearean drama over at OpenAI, Meta quietly disbanded their Responsible AI team and folded the employees into the Generative AI and other groups. What this means for safety and guardrails at Meta? TBD.

1. OpenAI Board Approached Anthropic About A Merger

Things have taken a turn for the quiet over at OpenAI (suggesting that maybe, finally, lawyers and comms people have gotten involved?), but in the meanwhile journalists are digging up more craziness. Like the fact that the board apparently approached chief rival (and spinout) Anthropic for a merger that was quickly turned down.


We're launching an exciting AI Breakdown Learning Community Beta in December and I'd love to have members of this community participate. 

Daily AI Content: Every day Dec 4-22, I’ll share a new video tutorial, case studies, or practical challenges. We’ll also have a community space for discussion, feedback and support. Plus you’ll be the first to hear about the plans for what this all turns into. 

Membership: Just $20/month. Why? 1) I want to select for people who care enough about advancing their AI skills that they’re willing to pay. 2) I want people to be judging the content and the experience on the basis of actually paying for it. 

Limited Slots! Sign up now! Registration closes Midnight EST, Wednesday.

The Latest Episodes of The AI Breakdown

The complete OpenAI saga, in chronological order:

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