OpenAI DevDay: Everything You Need To Know

Plus Elon announces Grok!

The AI Breakdown First Five - Tuesday November 7, 2023

The AI Breakdown is back from traveling and excited to dig into some absolutely game-changing updates from Elon, Altman and more.

Today on the First Five:

  • 5. Grok!

  • 4. Whisper 3 and TTS

  • 3. GPT-4 Turbo 128k Context Window

  • 2. Assistant API

  • 1. Custom GPT Store

5. Grok!

As you can probably tell, the vast majority of this episode is dedicated to announcements from OpenAI’s DevDay, but since we’ve been traveling, we would be remiss to not mention Elon Musk’s weekend announcement of the saucy, “based” Grok chatbot from xAI.

4. Whisper 3 and TTS

DevDay was a classic example of so many things being announced, even the small stuff was big when you look at it in the abstract. Whisper, OpenAI’s speech-to-text model, got an update and another open source release. The company also debuted a new text-to-speech model, a key step towards true multimodality.

3. GPT-4 Turbo 128k Context Window

Move over Anthropic Claude and your puny little 100k context window! GPT-4 Turbo now has a 128k context window. It also has an April 2023 knowledge cutoff and is more than 50% cheaper than GPT-4 was previously via API. People are already exploring the expanded capacity.

2. Assistants API

Leading into the event there were whispers that a key announcement would be tools for building AI agents. Sure enough, we got an Assistants API which allows developers to build agents that have access to Code Interpreter, Retrieval, and Function Calling.

1. Custom GPT Store

Steve Jobs was famous for his “one more thing” moments where he shared some groundbreaking new product at the very end of a presentation. OpenAI’s version of that was what they’re calling Custom GPTs - a way for people to create specific purpose versions of ChatGPT with natural language. There will also be a GPT Store (think App Store) with a rev share for creators.

BONUS: Just about the only contrarian take we’ve seen

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