OpenAI Forms Catastrophic Risk Team

Plus Amazon's AI earnings call

The AI Breakdown First Five - Friday October 27, 2023

Today on the First Five:

  • 5. Politicians First Reactions to Anticipated Biden EO

  • 4. Team Turnover at Stability AI

  • 3. UN Forms AI Advisory Group

  • 2. Amazon’s AI Earnings Call

  • 1. OpenAI Forms Catastrophic Risk Team

5. Politicians First Reactions to Anticipated Biden EO

The Biden Administration is expected to unveil its executive order on artificial intelligence on Monday in advance of the UK Safety Summit. Politicians have started to weigh in, with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer for example saying it doesn’t go far enough and that Congressional action is needed.

4. Team Turnover at Stability AI

Stability AI is once again back in the headlines for reasons other than new products or models. This time it’s Bloomberg noticing that the company’s GC and head of HR have left, just a couple months after they were proudly touted as members of the leadership team in a press release.

3. UN Forms AI Advisory Group

On Thursday, the UN Secretary General announced a new AI advisory body to help develop consensus around AI risks and make recommendations for international cooperation around them. Its seen as a first step towards an actual governance body.

2. Amazon’s AI Earnings Call

Earlier in the week Google and Microsoft both held earnings calls which showed how AI was already impacting the bottom line. Amazon continued that trend, beating earnings estimates and touting even stronger than expected growth in their AI business.

1. OpenAI Forms Catastrophic Risk Team

The UN isn’t the only group thinking about the risks of AI. OpenAI has announced a new Preparedness team. The group is meant to formalize how the company integrates and mitigates risk assessment of a huge array of threats into how it develops and deploys models.

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