Prison Labor for Training AI?

Plus big updates in the text-to-video space

The AI Breakdown First Five - Tuesday September 12, 2023

Today on the First Five:

  • 5. Pika Labs Update Excites the AI Movie Crowd

  • 4. More Writers Join AI Lawsuits

  • 3. Prison Labor for Training AI?

  • 2. Tesla Soaring on AI Optimism

  • 1. Nvidia, Palantir and More Join White House AI Commitments

5. Pika Labs Update Excites the AI Movie Crowd

A year ago at this time, text-to-image was still in its infancy. Many now wonder if text-to-video is in a similar spot. Pika Labs yesterday added a camera movement parameter that has people who’ve used the feature glimpsing the future.

4. More Writers Join AI Lawsuits

OpenAI’s copyright fight has spread beyond Sarah Silverman. A new lawsuit filed last week in San Francisco and including notables like Michael Chabon similarly argues that AI training on copyright works is a copyright violation.

3. Prison Labor for Training AI?

The newest prison job in Finland is labeling data for LLMs. Since the rise of ChatGPT, there has been a corresponding interest in the working conditions of people who help train the models, which often happens in the global south. Wired explores whether this Finnish pilot program is exploitative, or a net positive part of a rehabilitation-focused approach to justice.

2. Tesla Soaring on AI Optimism

Cathie Wood’s argument that Tesla could end up the most valuable AI company got a boost yesterday when Morgan Stanley analysts said the company’s Dojo supercomputer could increase their market cap by up to $600m, driving the stock price up 10% on the day.

1. Nvidia, Palantir and More Join White House AI Commitments

Later today, two Senators are preparing to introduce new comprehensive AI legislation. On Wednesday, the CEOs of basically all the big tech co’s descent on D.C. for a closed room AI summit convened by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. In advance, Nvidia, Palantir, Adobe, Salesforce Stability AI, Cohere, Scale and others have joined the White House’s AI voluntary commitments.

BONUS: Open Interpreter is getting buzzzzzzzzzz

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