Unity AI Will Transform How Games Are Made

Plus US considering new AI chip export restrictions on China

The AI Breakdown First Five - Wednesday June 28, 2023

Today on the First Five:

  • 5. Hugging Face CEO Testifies on Importance of Open Source AI

  • 4. Google DeepMind CEO Says Next Model Will Beat ChatGPT

  • 3. Baidu Claims Ernie 3.5 Outperforms ChatGPT

  • 2. New AI Chip Restrictions Coming for China?

  • 1. Unity Announces AI-Powered Gaming Platform

Prompt: artificial intelligence powered video game development --ar 16:9

5. Hugging Face CEO Testifies on Importance of Open Source AI

Congress held another hearing on AI this week, this time with the US House Science Committee. One of the featured witnesses was Hugging Face CEO Clement Delangue who argued for the importance of open source AI from a national security perspective, saying

“Open science and open source prevent black-box systems, make companies more accountable and help [solve] today’s challenges like mitigating biases, reducing misinformation, promoting copyrights and rewarding all stakeholders including artists and content creators in the value creation process.”

4. Google DeepMind CEO Promises Next Model Will Beat ChatGPT

Reinforcing the leadership position OpenAI has taken in the LLM space, Demis Hassabis recently teased a new system called Gemini, which uses techniques from DeepMind's AlphaGo AI and which he says will eclipse ChatGPT's capabilities.

3. Baidu Says Ernie 3.5 Outperforms ChatGPT

If Demis is promising a future version of DeepMind's models will beat ChatGPT, Baidu has claimed that the latest version of their Ernie AI model already outperforms GPT-4 in many areas. They also announced that the new model would support plugins.

2. New AI Chip Restrictions Coming for China?

While private companies in China and the US fight for LLM supremacy, the US government is potentially putting its thumb on the scale as it considers new export restrictions on AI chips. As soon as next month, the Commerce Department is considering halting shipments of chips from companies like Nvidia to China without the companies receiving them first receiving a license.

1. Unity Announces AI-Powered Gaming Platform

Game development platform Unity is going all in on AI. This week they announced 1) Muse - a platform that helps game developers use natural language inputs to develop game assets including environments and characters and 2) Sentis - which will allow developers to embed AI models directly into their games.

Bonus: An Excellent Use of Photoshop’s Generative Fill

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