US Gov't Requiring AI Companies to Notify Around LLM Training

Plus Bard with Gemini Pro jumps to #2

The AI Breakdown First Five - Monday January 29, 2024

Today on the First Five:

  • 5. Blackstone’s $25B AI Bet

  • 4. A Midjourney v6 Update

  • 3. ElevenLabs Bans Account Behind Biden NH Robocall

  • 2. Gemini Pro Jumps to #2 on Chatbot Arena ELO Ranks

  • 1. OpenAI and Other AI Companies Now Need to Notify US Gov’t on Advanced Models

5. Blackstone’s $25B AI Bet

In 2021, massive private equity firm Blackstone took over data center operator QTS for $10B. At the time, the company had around $1B of property investments under development. That number has risen to $15B thanks to the growing demand around AI.

4. A Midjourney v6 Update

Midjourney V6 has continued to expand the features available as part of it’s latest V6 update. The latest to come to the application include panning, zooming, as well as the ability to vary a particular region of the image being created.

3. ElevenLabs Bans Account Behind Biden NH Robocall

You’ll remember last week when NH Democrats started getting a robocall from President Joe Biden telling them not to vote in the primary? Newly minted AI unicorn ElevenLabs has suspended the account that was used to create the voice.

2. Gemini Pro Jumps to #2 on Chatbot Arena ELO Ranks

LMSYS Chatbot Arena is a crowdsourced platform for human LLM evals that has collected over 200,000 human preference votes. Google Bard, now powered by Gemini Pro, has jumped above everything except GPT-4-Turbo.

1. OpenAI and Other AI Companies Now Need to Notify US Gov’t on Advanced Models

US Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo has announced new details about the requirements for companies to share information with the US government when they train new LLMs. The government is claiming authority based on the Defense Production Act.

Bonus: @ Mention GPTs Inside of ChatGPT

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