WormGPT is ChatGPT’s Evil Twin

Plus the SEC Chair says AI could cause the next financial crisis

The AI Breakdown First Five - Tuesday July 18, 2023

Today on the First Five:

  • 5. Wix Launches AI Website Generator

  • 4. Quivr’s Second AI Brain

  • 3. Big Tech’s Massive Open Source Contributions

  • 2. SEC Chair Gensler Warns of AI-Caused Market Crisis

  • 1. WormGPT is ChatGPT’s Evil Twin

5. Wix Launches AI Website Generator

One of the categories of “one-click AI” that feels like it actually has a chance to do something interesting are the website generators. While many of those offerings so far have come from brand-new startups, established player Wix has just dropped their AI builder, leading to a +3% pop in their stock price.

4. Quivr’s Second AI Brain

On the one hand, generalized LLM models continue to race ahead, battling for supremacy in what is one of the biggest software opportunities of all time. On the other end of the spectrum, a ton of work is going into more personal models that allow people to have super-powered, highly-personalized assistant. A project in that second space that is capturing a bunch of dev attention right now is Quivr.

3. Big Tech’s Massive Open Source Contributions

One of the big surprises to many about how AI has developed is the extent to which a) open source is driving development; and b) big tech are contributors to open source. Indeed, some even argue it’s creating a challenge for startups as enterprise teams are more likely to build their own solutions based on open source vs. buying startup tools.

2. SEC Chair Gensler Warns of AI-Caused Market Crisis

Oh Gary. Another frontier tech industry, another antagonistic posture in the name of “consumer protection.” SEC Chair Gensler, currently the arch-nemesis of the digital asset world, has now set his sites on AI. In a speech yesterday, he argued that concentration in the AI space could lead to investors all making the same financial decisions because AI was telling them to, leading potentially to the next financial crisis.

1. WormGPT is ChatGPT’s Evil Twin

There was always going to be good with the bad. WormGPT is a new tool that helps malicious actors withe phishing attacks through sophisticated personalized fake email addresses. The software is apparently gaining traction in underground forums and hacker communities. Be careful out there!

BONUS: Hidden Words

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