Zoom AI Data Collection Backlash!

Plus OpenAI's web crawling bot

The AI Breakdown First Five - Tuesday August 8, 2023

Today on the First Five:

  • 5. MetaGPT Multi-Agent Software Developer

  • 4. A Terrifying New Cyberattack Just From Typing

  • 3. Bing Chat Coming to More Browsers

  • 2. Could GPTBot Mean OpenAI’s Doom?

  • 1. Backlash! Is Zoom Slurping Your Data?

5. MetaGPT Multi-Agent Software Developer

Agents continue to be one of the most exciting themes for AI builders, and MetaGPT is taking agents to a whole new level. With one line of code, it promises to simulate an entire software company. Question is of course: does it actually work?

4. A Terrifying New Cyberattack Just From Typing

Hope you weren’t content with your opsec. British researchers have published a study showing how a homemade deep-learning tool could listen to keystroked and figure out what someone was typing with 95% accuracy. Apparently “acoustic side channel attacks” aren’t new — but, like with everything else, AI is making them much more potent.

3. Bing Chat Coming to More Browsers

In Microsoft’s quest for AI supremacy, Bing is their leading weapon. After opening up access to Chrome and Safari late last month, Bing Chat is now coming to mobile browsers as well. Are you going to download it?

2. Could GPTBot Kill OpenAI?

OpenAI has shared more about GPTBot, their web crawler which uses data from public websites to train future models. They’ve also shared information about how website owners can block the bot. Some are speculating that this could hamper their efforts, as web owners don’t have much incentive to allow it.

1. Backlash! Is Zoom Slurping Your Data?

Zoom is feeling the HEAT. Over the weekend, the internet exploded when it discovered that Zoom had updated its terms of service to apparently allow it to collect data for AI training purposes. The backlash has been so loud that the company backed off.

BONUS: The Remaining Challenges of LLMs

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